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Coronavirus Supplements Myth Busting-
Can Supplements Fight COVID19?
can boost your immune system. So, are claims that they can fight the novel
coronavirus true? Do you need the so-called ‘coronavirus supplements’? It’s
simple; there is no research to support the use of any supplement in the
prevention or treatment of COVID19 specifically.
hands frequently and social distancing are the scientifically proven ways of
protecting yourself from the virus. There is no specific treatment for the
disease; however, the symptoms can be treated. There is no data to prove that
any supplement, diet, or other lifestyle modification can help you fight off
the coronavirus.
In case you
were wondering is there anything we can do to boost our immune system’s defense
to fight the coronavirus, then the answer is no. But you can boost it for
better protection against other diseases. Here is what you may need to know
about your immune system and 20 supplements that can boost it.
Did you know that on a daily basis, you
come in contact with 60,000 types of germs? The fascinating part is that only
about 1% to 2% are potentially dangerous to people with normal immunity. That’s
the magic of your immune system. It is composed of a complex collection of
cells, processes, and chemicals that defend your body against invading viruses,
toxins, and bacteria.
Your immune system recognizes things that
are foreign in your body and clears them out. It is finely tuned because if it
gets too active, it will attack your own tissues, which is the case in
autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
A healthy immune system is crucial in the
prevention of infection and disease. The three most important ways of boosting
your immune system are:
o Healthy eating
o Enough sleep
o Exercise
Healthy eating means that you supply your
body with all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. Current eating
habits fall short when it comes to the intake of vitamins and minerals.
Research has shown that supplementing with vitamins, minerals, and herbs can
improve the immune response, which is potentially protective against illnesses.
There is evidence that supplements may
reduce the likelihood of getting a respiratory virus and the amount of time a
person is sick with a virus. The impact will be significant in case the person
is deficient in some way.
Some of the supplements that are under
testing for potential use in the management of coronavirus pandemic include:
o Multivitamins-
ensures you are not deficient in vitamins and will boost your immunity
o Zinc- there’s
some suggestion that it may lessen the severity of symptoms
o Vitamin D-
although it boosts the immune system, its importance lies in being helpful
because most people are staying indoors during this pandemic
Studies are still ongoing, but as of now,
no supplement works against the virus. Stay vigilant against opportunistic
marketers who want to make a fortune out of the pandemic. The coronavirus
supplements are just a myth.
You probably have already heard of zinc
lozenges, which can shorten the duration of a common cold by over 30%,
according to studies. Zinc is essential for the function of your immune system.
That’s why it’s added to supplements and other healthcare products like
Zinc lozenges inhibit virus activity in the
throat at the time the infection is just starting to spread. Consequently, it
lessens the symptoms of the infection. Sucking on the lozenges within a week or
two of the onset of the infection will result in the coating of your throat and
lessening of the infection. However, it has not been tested specifically for
Surprisingly, zinc deficiency affects
around 2 billion people globally, with up to 30% of adults considered
deficient. The deficiency affects your immune system’s ability to work
properly, which increases your risk of infection and disease.
It is safe to use up to 40mg of elemental
zinc for the long term. Avoid excessive doses as interference with copper
absorption may occur. Copper also plays a role in your immune system function,
and therefore such a disturbance may mean increased risk for infection.
An article by BBC news about whether people should start
taking Vitamin D during the coronavirus pandemic stirred some discussion about
this supplement’s role. However, the article clarifies that Vitamin D is
helpful in this pandemic only because people are forced to stay indoors and may
not be getting enough sunlight.
Studies show that Vitamin D boosts the
immune system and does help in fighting off infections, for instance, common
colds and flu.
It works by enhancing the effects of
monocytes and macrophages, which are white blood cells that fight pathogens. It
also decreases inflammation, which is vital in preventing the body from an
excessive response that’s more harmful than beneficial.
As taking this vitamin is protective
against respiratory tract infections, the deficiency is associated with an
increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections. Supplementing with
Vitamin D, if you don’t get enough sun exposure, is therefore great for your
There is evidence that Vitamin D may
improve your response to antiviral treatments in case you have certain
infections like HIV or Hepatitis C.
When it comes to dosage, do not exceed
100micrograms a day. The recommended amount is 10micrograms a day. That is
anywhere between 1000 and 4000IU per day is sufficient for you. Your doctor may
recommend higher doses in case you have a proven deficiency.
An advantage with Vitamin D is that it is
safe for those with kidney problems, breastfed babies, formula-fed babies (held
off until they are having below a pint of formula a day), children, and
pregnant women. Dosages below 10micrograms are generally safe for everyone.
Of course, more research is needed to
establish its usage in the management of the “cytokine storm” in ill
coronavirus patients due to its immune-modulating quality.
According to studies, the black elderberry
enhances immune system response and reduces the duration and severity of upper
respiratory tract infections like colds and flu. That’s why there’s a lot of
research going on about its effects on immune health.
Lab tests have revealed that it has potent
antibacterial and antiviral potential, particularly for pathogens that cause
upper respiratory tract infections. It reduces virus production besides making
your recovery faster. The compounds from elderberries inhibit the entry of
viruses and their replication in human cells besides strengthening the immune
Elderberry is taken in teas, lozenges,
gummies, and pills. A tablespoon of elderberry containing syrup taken four
times daily for 3-5 days is adequate for a flu infection. A specific lozenge
that contains 175mg of elderberry extract can be taken four times daily for two
Although generally safe to use, there’s not
enough reliable information to know if it’s safe in the following situations:
o Use beyond 12
o Children under
12 years
o Pregnant and
breastfeeding women
o Autoimmune
diseases like SLE, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis
Vitamin C is a popular supplement taken by
people with colds. It boosts your immune health, which shortens the duration of
the infection.
The supplement works through the following
o Supporting the
function of immune cells
o Cellular death-
sort of housekeeping for your immune system to clear out old cells
o Powerful antioxidant-
prevents damage by oxidative stress that affects your immune system
Vitamin C reduces the duration of colds by
an impressive 8% in adults and 14% when it comes to children according to
a study. It also reduces the occurrence of colds in people
under high physical stress like soldiers and marathon runners by up to 50%.
It has shown a lot of promise in the arena
of immune boosters. Consequently, it has been the subject of several studies
with some still ongoing
But perhaps a role closer to coronavirus is
the use of intravenous Vitamin C treatment in improving the symptoms in
individuals with severe infections like sepsis and ARDS (Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome) due to viral infection. Its role, however, is still under
Recommendations when it comes to dosages
are any amount between 250 and 1000mg supplemental daily doses. Its maximum
dose is 2000mg.
Perhaps turmeric is best known for helping
in managing high cholesterol, glucose control, and digestive issues. However,
most people don’t know that one of its active compounds, curcumin, acts on the
immune function.
The curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory
properties. It is thus able to improve your immune function. Studies in humans
are still inadequate.
However, there have been concerns about
this food supplement in regard to anti-inflammatory properties. Some
authorities claim that its ability to disturb the body’s natural defenses that
are useful in fighting off infections, especially COVID19.
It remains a potent supplement applicable
to the management of chronic diseases like inflammation, arthritis, metabolic
syndrome, cancers, and neurodegenerative diseases.
With usage spanning centuries, medicinal
mushrooms have immune-boosting potential according to numerous studies. Species
that have immune-enhancing properties include:
o Lion’s mane
o Cordyceps
o Maitake
o Shitake
o Reishi
o Turkey tail
Besides these species, there are 270 more
recognized species of medicinal mushrooms with immune-enhancing properties.
Supplementing with medicinal mushrooms
enhances your immune system and reduces the symptoms of conditions like lung
infections and asthma. In boosting your immune system, it works by increasing
the activity of white blood cells called Natural Killer cells.
Medicinal supplements are available in
teas, tinctures, and supplements. Dosages vary from one species to another. For
instance, 1.7grams of cordyceps mycelium culture extract daily is adequate.
Besides the above supplements, the
following can also boost your immunity:
o Garlic– anti-inflammatory and antiviral
o Selenium– enhances antiviral defense against
o Astragalus– improves immune-related response
o Licorice– glycyrrhizin component may be
protective against viral infections
o Andrographis– antiviral effects against
respiratory disease-causing viruses
o Pelargonium sidoides- alleviates
symptoms of acute viral respiratory infections
o Echinacea– anti-inflammatory and antiviral
properties against several respiratory viruses
o B complex vitamins– a healthy
immune system
o Propolis– antiviral and immune-enhancing
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